Python Tutorial
100% Generated Using ChatGPT (Model GPT-3.5-Turbo)
Python Basics
Variables and Data Types
Data Types and Operators
Basic Input and Output
Python Strings
Python Formatting Strings
Python Booleans
Python Numbers
Python Operators
Python Conditionals
If Statements
If Else Statements
Nested If Statements
Python Loops
While Loops
For Loops
Nested Loops
Break and Continue Statements
Python Functions
Defining a Function
Calling a Function
Arbitrary Arguments
Keyword Arguments
Default Parameter Values
Lambda Functions
Return Statement
Python Lists
Creating a List
Accessing Items
List Methods
List Comprehension
Python Tuples
Creating a Tuple
Tuple Methods
Unpacking a Tuple
Python Sets
Creating a Set
Set Methods
Python Dictionaries
Creating a Dictionary
Dictionary Methods
Python File Input and Output
Reading and Writing Text Files
Writing and Reading Json Files
Python Classes and Objects
Creating a Class
Creating An Object
Add Methods To Class
Python Exceptions
Try and Except
Multiple Except
Raise An Exception
Python Modules
Creating a Module
Importing a Module
Python Built In Modules
Python Dates
Python Math
Python Json
Python Regex
Python Random
Python Os
Python Sys
Python Csv
Python Sqlite
Python Debugging
Python Pip
Python Virtual Environment
Python Flask
Python Framework
Python Web Development
Python Django
Python Opencv
Python Computer Vision
Python Machine Learning
Python Tensorflow
Python Deep Learning
Variables and Data Types
Data Types and Operators
Basic Input and Output
Python Strings
Python Formatting Strings
Python Booleans
Python Numbers
Python Operators
Python Conditionals
If Statements
If Else Statements
Nested If Statements
Python Loops
While Loops
For Loops
Nested Loops
Break and Continue Statements
Python Functions
Defining a Function
Calling a Function
Arbitrary Arguments
Keyword Arguments
Default Parameter Values
Lambda Functions
Return Statement
Python Lists
Creating a List
Accessing Items
List Methods
List Comprehension
Python Tuples
Creating a Tuple
Tuple Methods
Unpacking a Tuple
Python Sets
Creating a Set
Set Methods
Python Dictionaries
Creating a Dictionary
Dictionary Methods
Python File Input and Output
Reading and Writing Text Files
Writing and Reading Json Files
Python Classes and Objects
Creating a Class
Creating An Object
Add Methods To Class
Python Exceptions
Try and Except
Multiple Except
Raise An Exception
Python Modules
Creating a Module
Importing a Module
Python Built In Modules
Python Dates
Python Math
Python Json
Python Regex
Python Random
Python Os
Python Sys
Python Csv
Python Sqlite
Python Debugging
Python Pip
Python Virtual Environment
Python Flask
Python Framework
Python Web Development
Python Django
Python Opencv
Python Computer Vision
Python Machine Learning
Python Tensorflow
Python Deep Learning